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When do classes begin and end? 
Monday - Thursday -7:50 am - 3:00 pm.
Friday 7:50 am - 12:05 pm
Where do I drop off and pick up? 
Drop-off is on the west and east sides of the school. Please do not drop off or pick up in front of the school office. 


Will my child attend Mass during school hours?
Yes, All students attend Mass with their classmates on Wednesday each week at 8:00 am (except special Holy Days). Parents are welcome to join us for Mass.


What if I work full time and need after care?
St. Cyril School’s After Care Program is provided on a daily basis after school until 5 pm. We offer a safe and secure environment for children in grades K – 8.  For the students, after-school time in the After Care Program is fun and educational. The students will engage in playtime, homework time, a snack, and a variety of enrichment activities each afternoon.

Do students get electronic devices at school? 
Students have Chrome devices kept at school in 3-8 classrooms. Chrome devices are shared in grades K-2.
Can my child bring a device from home?
Home devices are not allowed on campus for use in the classroom.
What about cell phones? 
Although students may bring cell phones to school, they may not use them during school hours and must be powered off and stored in backpacks.
How are communication and grades handled? 
Each student will be assigned a Gmail account during the first day of school. We use a student information system called FACTS to post grades and homework. Parents and students will have access to FACTS.
Do you have a specific student uniform? 
Students do wear a uniform. Please check our Parent/Student Handbook for the full uniform policy. Please visit - for more information.


When is the best time to contact a teacher on homework issues?
Anytime a parent or student has a question on homework they should email the teacher. Emails will generally receive a response within 24 hours.

Are grades updated automatically or will it take a day or two to post?
Per school policy, teachers have one week to grade and update assignments into FACTS. 


Are there teacher’s aides in the classrooms?
All departments have the assistance of teacher aides.


Can I work in my child’s classroom?
Yes, parents who have completed the compliance program and a background check are welcome to volunteer at school through the PALS program (Persons Active in Learning) Teachers will coordinate classroom help.


What extracurricular and athletic activities are available?


Altar Servers: 4th-8th grade

Honor Guard: 7th & 8th grade

Leadership: 7th-8th grade

Yearbook: 7th & 8th grade

Choir: 4th: 8th grade



Fall Activities

Boys Volleyball: 5th-8th grade

Girls Basketball: 5th-8th grade


Boys Basketball: 5th-8th grade

Girls Volleyball: 5th-8th grade

Spring Activities
Boys & Girls Track & Field: 4th-8th grade

Procedural Issues


What are the policies for early release or appointments such as dental? 
Parents should call the office (520-881-4240) for the absence to be considered excused. Students are encouraged to email their teachers to see what they will miss, but parents must call or notify the school prior to 9:00 a.m.

In FACTS attendance records, what is the difference between AE, AU, TE, and TU?
If a student is not present for a class, they are either marked AU (Absent Unexcused) or AE (Absent Excused). The designation AE is used when a parent notifies the front office of an impending absence and the reason for absence is an illness or a doctors appointment. 
If a student is tardy to class, they will be marked TU (Tardy Unexcused) if they show up within 5 minutes of the start of class. If they are more than 5 minutes late, they will be marked AU.  A student may be marked TE (Tardy Excused) if they are late for class, but have a note from an administrator.
Is financial aid available?

Financial aid is available for those families that demonstrate a financial need.  Applications for Tuition Assistance can be made online after registration on FACTS/SIS.


How do students pay for their lunches?

Lunch is to be ordered through Dishes2u and is available Monday through Thursday. Students may bring their lunch on a daily basis.

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