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St. Cyril of Alexandria School is proud of the well rounded education it provides to all students.  This is achieved by the exceptional teachers and staff who instruct daily and are constantly finding ways to reach all learners and make learning fun!  Recognizing God made each individual child perfect just as they are, St. Cyril provides a solid Catholic centered academic environment from kindergarten through eighth grade.  Parents as the primary educators partner strongly with the school to have the best outcomes for each student.  


St. Cyril is uniquely united in departments beginning in first grade. Our kindergarten program consists of two kindergarten homerooms where students are taught all subjects by their homeroom teacher. The rest of the grade leveled departments are as follows:




Advanced Intermediate-5th/6th 

Junior High-6th/7th


Students within a department begin and end their day with a mixed group from the two grades. Then as they go through their learning, they are divided into two groups within their own grade level. The students will see a variety of teachers who teach a core content subject including; religion, language arts, math, science, and social studies/grammar. Students also have various enrichment classes including spanish, art, music & P.E.  Once students reach the advanced intermediate department they are offered a wider selection of ancient courses that are of interest to them. These include, but are not limited to study skills, technology, theater, and weight training. Students in the upper grade enrichment classes are mixed with their grade levels.  


In the younger grades, teachers are trained in Orton Gillingham and implement the best strategies for early literacy. School wide the math curriculum is Math in Focus.  Our teachers vertically align core content and use data to inform instruction.

Curriculum design is the result of planning and study by faculty and administration. The Diocesan School Office provides guidelines that incorporate the requirements as set by the Arizona State Department of Public Instruction.​


Our student-centered instruction focuses on critical thinking, problem-solving and cooperative learning. Teachers consider individual learning styles and varied development levels when choosing instructional methods. Active and involved learning takes place in all subject areas through the use of manipulatives, cooperative exercises, learning centers, and other visual, auditory, and kinesthetic components. A strong emphasis is placed on cross grade level and cross curriculum cooperative learning and interaction, which develop leadership, self-esteem, cooperative skills, and team building. Our Catholic faith is woven into all subjects. 


Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

"Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) are K – 12 interim assessments that measure growth, project proficiency on high-stakes tests, and inform how educators differentiate instruction, evaluate programs, and structure curriculum.

Computer adaptive MAP assessments reveal precisely which academic skills and concepts the student has acquired and what they’re ready to learn. MAP assessments are grade independent and adapt to each student’s instructional level. Every item on a MAP assessment is anchored to a vertically aligned equal interval scale, called the RIT scale for Rasch UnIT—a stable measurement, like inches on a ruler, that covers all grades.

And because the measurement is reliable and accurate, RIT scores serve as an essential data point in a student’s learning plan; teachers can see their precise learning level and respond accordingly." From Northwest Evaluation Association's Website,


  • St. Cyril of Alexandria School conducts the web-based MAP test in the Fall, Winter, and Spring of each year, testing kindergarten through 8th Grade students

  • Tests given are: Reading, Language Usage (1-8), Mathematics and Science (5-8)

  • Using these results, the classroom teachers will personalize instruction in order to maximize every student’s academic growth

  • Our principal will track the achievement and growth of individual students and classrooms and help evaluate the success of our programs


Student Learning Expectations

Every classroom incorporates the school’s SLEs or Student Learning Expectations. The students learn the skills to be:

  • Active Christians

  • Life-long Learners

  • Effective Communicators

  • Responsible Citizens

  • Self-aware individuals


Fruits of the Spirit

Fruits of the Spirit are the seeds God grows inside of each of us to show others what his love looks like.  This helps us and helps others.  Students are encouraged through a monthly theme, to allow the Holy Spirit to guide thier lives. This helps produce positive and selfless choices that please the Holy Spirit and God. This is the fruit of the Spirit. Each month the school highlights and celebrates one Fruit of the Spirit.


Monthly Fruit of the Spirit Themes:

August- Faithfulness

September- Gentleness

October- Self-Control

November- Peace

December- Joy

January- Kindness

February - Love

March - Patience

April - Goodness

May - Faithfulness 


Essential Skills, formerly Discipline with Purpose (DWP) is premised on the Catholic Christian beliefs of the inherent goodness and value of every person. Fifteen specific self-discipline skills are identified and taught to help students help themselves.  Each student is a child of God and as His cherished creation, deserves our respect and consideration. 


15 Essential Skills:

  1. Listening

  2. Following Instructions

  3. Questioning

  4. Sharing: Time, Space, People, and Things

  5. Exhibiting Social Skills

  6. Cooperating with Others

  7. Understanding the Reason for Rules

  8. Independently Completing a Task

  9. Exhibiting Leadership

  10. Communicating Effectively

  11. Organizing: Time, Space, People, Things

  12. Resolving Mutual Problems

  13. Taking the Initiative in Problem Solving

  14. Distinguishing Fact From Feeling

  15. Sacrificing and Serving Others.

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4725 E. Pima Street Tucson, AZ 85712


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